
Posts Tagged ‘Australia’

Can’t say anything because of PC – political correctness?

6 May, 2020 Comments off

Don’t feel bad, there are a LOT of people who also say they cannot speak their mind or give their support for others who, although speaking their mind, are keeping it restrained. Keep reading, I will explain that this is not really the case, free speech is ALIVE and WELL, we just need to know what PC is and what it cannot do.

To understand PC, we should go back to the beginning. It was first mentioned around 1917 during the Communist takeover of Russia and used to maintain adherence to the “Party Line’, not much more was heard of it until the 1970’s.  The meaning at that time, was that a person being “PC” had an understanding of how their actions and words may affect people who were vulnerable to discrimination or could be disadvantaged. In other words, it was about being mature enough to know when and if, you were causing harm to others.

This term was very quickly hijacked by political parties/groups, using it as a tactic, a rallying call by handing out insults, degrading comments and pejorative statements against disadvantaged people, groups or even their political rivals – thus by using half statements only, they let their audience fill the gaps. This was, and very much still is, a powerful tool in the hands of a politician – as it is the audience who convinces themselves of their righteousness.

And then there are others who think it is a tactic they can also use: “I am not free to state my mind because of PC gone wrong” is just another way of saying one of two things (or both): “I have no real basis for my argument” OR “I am a real bigoted A-hole and want to say stupid stuff but don’t want the criticism”. Either way, it’s a ruse.

So, back to whether PC will actually stifle anyone from speaking their mind. The argument that PC prevents freedom of speech is flawed, everyone – in Australia and similar countries – has a right to say what they feel, free speech also gives others the right to have alternative views. What freedom of speech does not provide is the right to dehumanise, abuse or debase those who are unable or incapable of defending themselves in an equal manner.

Therefore, speak your mind openly and freely in a considered and mature way, remembering that as you have free reign to do this, others must be given the same consideration AND they are also very much within their rights to call anyone and everyone out when the protocols and dignity of free speech are being abused.


Profits from Resources

11 May, 2010 Comments off

Two of the best ever ideas this current government has had (the only good ideas?), was to increase taxes on tobacco and Mining.  Why…

Tobacco costs the government (that means us) huge amount each year in hospitals and other forms of care caused solely by the tobacco industry and their products. At least this will reduce the burden on Australia, wow it may even encourage some  to give up – or not take up – smoking and thus save a lot of people some real pain and probably their lives.

Mining!  yep mining pulls in $M of dollars weekly – and apparently a lot of it is pumped into the Australian economy.  But then if you look closer it is the Directors and overseas investors that are creaming it.  They are complaining that if (!) the tax goes ahead they will suffer and development programs will be postponed or cancelled.  I am not sure what suffering means to them, cutting their income by 50% will not take away the fact that they are multi-millionaires – try billionaires.   Secondly, slowing down the rate at which they are raping this country primarily for their own gain, might just be a good thing long term.

Two other points – They are saying they will become uncompetitive with other countries – do you suppose other countries will sit back and say “we don’t mind letting all that money slip through our fingers, we trust miners and we don’t need the money anyway”  You are kidding, they will all follow suite!

The second point – nearly every other company that produces a product BUYS their raw materials from another.  By law all the minerals under the ground including all the metallic ores, coal, oil, gas,  precious stones and metals belong to the people of Australia with the Government as their representative (for side issue look at Hunter Valley problems). So apart from all the lessor taxes they say compensates the government – why should they pay their dues?  before you think of an answer, add up all the government incentives (financial and non-financial) that the Government gives them, look at what they do pay and wow – someone is filling their coffers and it is not us.

And don’t imagine that it is for the benefit of Australia – even typical jobs are creaming the bonanza. A storemen in real life gets $40-70K when they go to the mines they get twice that. Yes it is hard out there,  but life is hard for all those others that need a break, like the storemen that are only being paid $40k!  The government even wanted to use the taxes to help Australia and Australians not ship it off to another country or private bank accounts, is that not a good idea?

So mining companies should be paying for what they remove – remember once it has gone, its gone and the money is in their (personal) bank account.